LTC and PRESENCE bring a FAST and CHEAP cross-chain market to Qortal

New – LTC and ‘PRESENCE’

Right now, on the testnet of Qortal, and Litecoin… we are testing the newest additions to the Qortal Blockchain Platform…

The new additions are Litecoin (full, local wallet and addition to the Trade Portal, with Litecoin) and PRESENCE (our term for the new tx type that verifies a user who listed a sell, has an online node with tradebot, to execute the multiple stages in each cross-chain trade.)

Litecoin provides a much FASTER blockchain, with 2.5 min block times. This will allow a cross-chain trade to complete in around 7 min on the Trade Portal in the Qortal UI. Litecoin also provides a cheap network in comparison to Bitcoin, wherein trades will cost a tiny fraction of what they did on the BTC network. This will allow trades of small amounts of QORT, to also make sense.

As you can see in the above picture, BTC will still be supported in the wallet of Qortal, so that people can still use their BTC which they had in their wallet from previous releases.


PRESENCE – This addition will provide  a method for the UI to display a red dot next to sell orders that have an offline seller tied to them.

The way PRESENCE works, is every 30 minutes, the person who placed a sell’s tradebot, will send a PRESENCE transaction to the network. The UI will check for these transactions for each AT on the sell list, and list the last reply of the seller’s bot.

Any seller who didn’t reply in the last PRESENCE tx, will show up with a red DOT (see picture below) denoting the fact that their PRESENCE tx was not submitted last round, and it is possible that the user’s bot is offline.



The availability for the community to HELP US TEST this on the LTC and Qortal testnet, will be provided later today in both the Qortal Discord, and here on this post. (The post will be updated with download links for a completely pre-configured testnet node, and a pre-built testnet-ready UI that can be run with yarn.


Help us test on the LTC and QORT testnet now!

We have now running integrations of the newest features to Qortal (LTC and ‘PRESENCE’ tx) on both the LTC and Qortal Testnets.

Since Qortal is a Community developed and run projectANY USER may assist the devs in TESTING the newest features BEFORE THEY GO LIVE on the mainnet!

Here are TWO pre-configured downloads for the testnet


Pre-compiled and testnet-configured UI archive – download – 

Testnet-configured Core archive – download –


Download both of the above zip archives.
Extract each

To start the core – from terminal – ./

This will start the Qortal Core Testnet API on localhost:62391

To start the UI (with node.js installed) from terminal type – node server.js

This will start a UI server running on http://localhost:12388

Access in your browser, and HELP US TEST!


Discord room #ltc-trade-testing is there for discussion of the testing, and anything you may want to bring to the team’s attention.

Thank you!