Qortal Newsletter Update – October 2022

Project Update


Qortal Data Network QDN


Qortal Wallet App

Android Termux


Qnect App


Minting Rewards

  • Levels 1 and 2 minting accounts share 5% of the block reward
    Levels 3 and 4 share 10% of the block reward
    Levels 5 and 6 share 15% of the block reward
    Levels 7 and 8 share 20% of the block reward
    Levels 9 and 10 share 25% of the block reward
    QORA holders transitioning into QORT coin share 20% of the block reward
    Founders share a minimum of 5% of the block reward, and/or the ‘leftover’ percentage, which initially will be higher when there aren’t users in all of the various level groups, and will decrease over time.

Crisis Event

Playing Qortal|Portal on New Earth


Aurea Interview



Crowetic Hardware Development

Final Words